Sample of Payment Reminder Letter

payment reminder

A payment reminder letter is written by certain organizations to other businesses or individuals who have failed to respond to the payment checks which have been delivered in their names. In these letters they are requested to write down a check for things or services which they have purchased from the organization. Therefore, the address of the organization you are representing is a must whenever you are planning to write a payment reminder letter. Throughout the letter a professional and formal tone is kept by the writer.

There are three types of payment reminder letters. In the first payment reminder letter, the organization softly asks the person to pay for whatever they have purchased from them. It is a one to two-line letter where they inquire whether the person still resides on the same address and how they should comply in order to make the payment. In the second type of payment reminder letter, the customer is asked to pay for whatever they have purchased but this time the organization uses a relatively strict tone. They force the person to pay whatever is due and ask him/her to fully pay their balance off. In the third type of payment reminder letter, the tone of the organization becomes extremely strict. This time the organization has realized that they are not losing a potential future customer; in fact, they might be dealing with a defaulter. In this case, the organization can even ask the person to either reply to the letter or they are going to drag him/her to court. This type of letter is only written once the first two have been delivered to that person. Moreover, this letter is written after the payment has been long due.

Sample of Payment Reminder Letter


Martina Shear
House 452 Northumer Avenue
Luke Shaw Road
New York

Bling Internationals
84247 Borth Avenue
New York

Dear Ma’am,

We desire to call your attention against to your past due account for the month of January for $243.65, a statement of which has been mailed to you several weeks ago. We shall appreciate receiving your check in payment of this account by return mail.

Truly Yours,

Bling Internationals

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