Sample of Letter for Extension Leave

A letter for leave extension is written by an employee to his/her manager or boss to request an extension in an on-going leave of absence. You first have to mention who is writing the letter and the address of that person. Then, you need to mention the person who is the letter being written to and then his/her address. Everything should be written in an extremely formal tone since you are writing to your employer. Always end the letter by thanking your employer.

Sample of a Letter for Extension Leave


Vanessa Parker,
Junior Tech,
Transport Department,
Carlton Hotels,
4272, Empress Avenue,
Lopezo, MX 482

April, 13, 2013


Mr. Oscar Hugo,
Chief Administrator,
Transport Department,
Carlton Hotels,
4272, Empress Avenue,
Lopezo, MX 482


Dear Mr. Hugo,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to extend my leave by one week because of another stone found in my left kidney. As you know, earlier this month I had applied for one week leave to get stones removed from my left kidney. The surgery that I underwent at the ABC International Hospital was successful, and I am on rest for the last four days. However, last night I suddenly felt severe pain once again in my abdomen and the doctors confirmed that I still have traces of small stones in my kidney.

I will be undergoing another small surgery next Monday, April 1, while my original leave is ending on Sunday, April 14. I humbly request you to extend my leave for another one week so I can completely recover from these painful kidney stones. I will be really grateful if you consider and approve my leave extension. I will let you know if there are any changes in the schedule.

Thank you for your time and consideration.




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