Sample of Job Offer Acceptance Letter

During your life you will get a chance to apply for jobs and then once you get selected you will be asked to confirm whether you are in for it or not. That is where you will have to write a job offer acceptance letter in which you will mention that you are willing to do the job at hand and with a certain amount of salary.

Start off by the usual β€œto” and β€œfrom” section where you will write the details of yourself and the organization you applied to.

Make sure that your tone is professional and extremely humble. Make them realize that you are thankful that you got the opportunity to work with them. After thanking them, simply write down the salary and all the benefits which were agreed upon during the meeting or the phone call which took place prior to writing the letter.

End the letter at a positive note and explain to your new employers that they did not make a mistake. Thank them again for selecting you over all the other potential candidates.

Sample of Job Offer Acceptance Letter


Baines Dean
Jamaican Stonework


Chris Magenta
Number 4 Private Drive
2349 Luke Avenue

Dear Mr. Baines,

As it was discussed earlier on the phone, I am pleased to accept the position of Head Marketing with Jamaican Stonework. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I cannot wait to make a positive contribution in this company and to work with my colleagues in the Jamaican Stonework team.

It was discussed earlier that my starting salary is going to be $42,000 with health and life insurance benefits being provided as well.

I am looking forward to working in this company from November 1st 2013. If there is anything that I need to sign in order to fulfil all formalities, please let me know.

Thanking you,

Chris Magenta.


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