Sample of a Salary Verification Letter
A Salary Verification Letter is written by an employer, verifying the name, salary, job title and tenure of the employee requesting the letter. You begin by coming straight to the point and giving out the details related to the employee in question. You can then comment on the employeeâs performance and his/her current salary along with any perks and bonuses. It is customary for companies to give out contact details so that any concerned parties can easily reach them for further queries. Conclude the letter with the contact details and a verification statement.
Sample of a Salary Verification Letter
January 12, 2012
City Bank
Main Branch
15, Bedian Road
Re: Salary Verification
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is to confirm that Mr Isaac James is employed at BDM Associates as a Senior Financial Consultant. He has been with the company for the past two years. His joining date was December 10, 2010, and was on a 3-month probation period, before being confirmed in March 2011 as a permanent employee.
We are pleased to inform that during his current tenure, Mr. Isaac has established a reputation of being honest, hardworking and strong-minded. We consider him as a valuable asset for our company. In his current position, Mr Isaac earns a monthly salary of $8000, and works 35 hours or more a week. As he holds a full-time position in our organization, Mr Isaac is entitled to various company benefits, such as medical and fuel reimbursements, while bonuses are also granted to all our employees but are not guaranteed as per the company policy.
For any additional information or if you have any queries, please contact me at the Human Resource department over the phone (6272-284-22) or
I, Jason Thomas (HR Manager), state that all information mentioned above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Jason Thomas
HR Manager
BDM Associates