Sample of New Year Letter to Father

You can always write a New Year letter to your father if the two of you can’t be together on this special occasion. Fathers are an important figure in anyone’s life and wishing them a happy New Year should be something special. Try to send him a letter if you are not around and also a few pictures of yourself because no matter how tough your dad looks, he most definitely loves his child.

Sample of New Year Letter to Father


Mr. Wilshere
Number 1 Abbey Road
23478 6th Avenue
London, UK

Dear dad,

How are you? I hope you are in good health along with the rest. The purpose of this letter is to let you know how much I miss you on this New Year’s Eve.

Every year it was always me, you and Jane who used to go see the fireworks in the night just to enjoy our New Year together. However, this year it is only going to be me since I can’t come. I have absolutely no funds to come back home during the winters but it can be made possible over the summers since I will be starting a part-time job from February. I hope I am able to save money from there and I can come back home.

I really hope that you are thoroughly enjoying your New Year’s Eve since Jane already told me that she will be visiting you. I wish I could be there with the two of you just like old times but for now it seems like a fantasy.

I will come back the next time and we will be spending New Year and Christmas together, just like old times.

A really happy New Year to you and Jane; even though I sent her a card. I pray that this year brings lots of joys for our family.


Thomas Wilshire

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