Sample of Gift Acceptance Letter
Once you receive a gift from someone and you can’t reach out to them in person in order to thank them, then you should reply back through a letter. Write down how you appreciate that the other person sent you a gift. You can even try and sending your own gift alongside a letter where you accept the gift and thank the other person.
Sample of Gift Acceptance Letter
Dear Stan,
I received I received the beautiful watch which you sent me through mail this morning and I would like to thank you for it. You have always been there to give me something on my birthday even though you are so far away from me and I appreciate the fact that you have always been a kind friend.
I remember I showed you this watch while we were out on Christmas Eve. However, you left town after that and I never even thought about buying this watch ever again. It is extremely sweet of you to remember the smallest details of things which I adore. That is why the two of us are still friends since the past 22 years and I would like to keep our friendship alive for years to come.
I also loved the fact that you probably sent me this mail at least two to three days before my birthday so that it arrives on the right time. You have always been a kind friend and I simply love you for that.
I am hoping that you plan on coming back to London soon since Sam and Joey have a lot planned for this Christmas. It would be really nice to have you back and in case you have a problem of staying then my doors are always open for you.
Thank you again for the beautiful watch, I will make sure that I wear it on a daily basis.
Johnny Wes