How to Write a Goodbye Letter to Boyfriend

Explore your feelings

Before writing a goodbye letter to your boyfriend, it is important to think about it again and re-evaluate your feelings and emotions by asking yourself whether this is truly the only option, and how this will affect your life. Clearing your head will help you maintain a grasp on reality and realize whether parting ways is the right decision for you and your boyfriend.

Give your letter a personal touch by hand-writing it

Sometimes written words have a greater impact than spoken ones – more so if they are hand-written. While most letters these days are composed on computers and sent through electronic mail, this is more of a personal letter and must be written by hand. Never send a “Dear John” sort of letter through email to inform your boyfriend that it is time to move on. Such letters can come across as harsh and uncongenial.

Begin your goodbye letter on a positive note

Always begin your letter on a positive note, regardless of the factors leading to your breakup. Recall the fun times that you both shared as a couple. It is a good idea to recall your first date or the day you met. Make sure you convey that you truly appreciate the good times the two of you shared over the course of the relationship.

Avoid blame games

Make sure your goodbye letter is just a goodbye letter and not an accusatory list highlighting your boyfriend’s mistakes. It would perhaps be a better idea to mention the things that you might have done wrong during the relationship. Admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness in a sincere and honest way.

Be clear

Be clear and to the point, leaving no ambiguity about the future of your relationship. Don’t lead him on or give him false hopes. Make it absolutely clear in the goodbye letter that you do not want to continue this relationship anymore.

Wish him good luck

A wonderful way to conclude a goodbye letter to your boyfriend is by wishing him good luck for all his future endeavours. You can also thank him for his friendship and all the things he has done for you.

Tips to Write a Goodbye Letter to Boyfriend:

– Keep your goodbye letter short and concise.
– It is recommended to hand the goodbye letter to your boyfriend in person rather than sending it to him via mail.

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