Appeal Letters Archive

Sample of a Deadline Extension Appeal Letter
A deadline extension appeal letter can be written by anyone, requiring leniency in terms of a project or assignment’s deadline. Whenever you are writing this letter, make sure that you use professional language. Moreover,

Sample of a Health Insurance Appeal Letter
Health insurance appeal letter is written by a patient or someone on his or her behalf, to the insurance company or its representative after they have denied a heath claim. This letter is quite

How to Write a Disciplinary Appeal Letter
Review all policies Before beginning to write, you may be better off reviewing the company, school or university policies so you can better decide how to go about the appeal process. You don’t want

How to Write a Parking Fine Appeal Letter
Introduction Address the letter to the appropriate authority. Even though you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, make sure that you are aware of the department which handles these

Sample of Parking Fine Appeal Letter
What is a Parking Fine Appeal Letter? A Parking fine Appeal letter is written by an offender hoping to get his or her fine reduced or waived off by describing the chain of events,